Tips from The Teacher -

Tips From The Teacher

Our family believes that some of our greatest influences in life are our teachers. (Thank you, teachers! We are so grateful for everything you do!) And, in this time where so many children are homeschooling, we realize more than ever just how big the shoes-to-fill are when assuming that role. So, for those of you who are suddenly having vivid flashbacks or dreams worrying about passing your last final (no, just us?), don’t worry. We’ve reached out to some of our favorite teachers to help give you a crash-course in teaching from home. 


  1. Don't put too much pressure on yourself; keep the expectations you have for yourself flexible and forgiving.
  2. Don't spend all day trying to cram in academics; spend 90 minutes (maybe) on content and then give yourself and your kiddos a break.
  3. Make a schedule for yourself and for them;in a time where time seems a little...elusive, it may be helpful to create a schedule so your household can establish some helpful routines and normalcy.
  4. Incorporate movement between subjects;every 30 minutes or so, stretch, move, change locations—think of it like a quick reset for you and them.
  5. If possible, arrange FaceTime dates for your kids with their friends; this is what they miss about school! Alternative ideas include arranging group calls with friends or writing classmates letters.
  6. Enjoy spending time with them; all other things aside, we may not get this opportunity to spend such quality time with each other again. Play board games, get outside, let them cook with you in the kitchen, and make some amazing family memories!
  7. BE PATIENT with yourself, your kids, their teachers—this is new for everyone! Juntos es Mejor.

A special thank you to our teacher contributor, Brittany! Brittany has been teaching for five years in Tulsa, OK, Dallas, TX, and will be making the move to teach grade school in Austin, TX this year. Our Communications Manager, Bayley (also Brittany’s younger sister, making her one of Brittany’s first ‘students’), says that Brittany is a great example of how hard teachers work (now and always!), and the Austin area will be lucky to have her. Thank you for all your hard work, Brittany, and teachers everywhere!


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