4 Benefits of Signing Up for Siete Text Messages - Sietefoods.com

What travels faster than the speed of light? The speed of Siete news! We've got a phone number! Think of it as another super quick way to get all your Siete news in one place (and while we love songs like Tommy Tutone’s 8675309,  Adele’s Hello, Lady Gaga’s Telephone, and Drake’s Hotline Bling, we’re not looking to blow up your phone.)

Sign up to receive texts messages(from our Siete Message Service/"SMS," wink wink), and you’ll have even quicker access to some really exciting things, at your fingertips! What exciting things, you may ask?


1. First Access to Small Batch

Have you tried our Chile Lime or Queso Kettle Cooked Potato Chips? How about our seasonal Grain Free Buñuelos? All three of these beloved products were first available to you through Siete Small Batch! Small Batch is an online-exclusive opportunity for you to experience our delicious creations straight from our Siete kitchen. By signing up for texts from us, you’ll be the first to know about our latest Small Batch releases!             



2. The Scoop on All Things Siete

We’ll also provide you with access to new curated bundles of our products, community events, fresh and delicious recipes, special deals, and other family shenanigans (like videos of us dancing in the rain, #sietescare-ing one another, and even filming our own telenovelas).

Shenanigans are kinda our thing. 😉 🛒 



3. Direct Access to our Customer Delight Team

With direct access to our CD Team, you can reach out to our familia whenever, wherever—Shakira-style. You’ll be able to send us texts like, “I’m looking for a quick lunch recipe, got any recommendations?” or, “What’s the best way to heat my tortillas?” and even, “Where can I shop for your refried beans?” Our CD team is here to help you!


4. A Welcome Gift!

To make you feel right at home on Sietefoods.com, take 25% off your next order when you sign up! ¡Bienvenidos!


Want to get in on the fun?

Sign up here!

We're so excited to have you. 🎉 


Juntos es mejor,

Your Siete Familia