The Ultimate Game Day Siete Snack Board -

Our familia takes any and every opportunity to gather together—especially around the table for great food, drinks, and tasty snacks. This is why when The Big Game rolls around, our familia prioritizes togetherness and food, of course. Because let’s be honest, the food at the table and company in the room is often just as important as the game on the TV! 

One of our favorite ways to serve food and snacks for gatherings is in the form of a Snack Board (so there's something for everyone!). It’s a delicious and beautiful way to serve food like our Grandma Campos always did: using “a little bit of this and a little bit of that!” 


So, we came together and created a Game Day Siete Snack Board & template for YOU (shown above and below!). This way, you’ve got the bones to make a great board, at home! 

Siete Game Day Snack Board


Our template is ready to reference while you build out your board. Just keep your screen nearby with the template up and fill your board, tray, or table (scale it up or down to your heart’s desire) in with ALL of your favorite Siete goodies and sweet/salty snacks. We even included an empty spot for you to fill with your own personal favorite Game Day snack!


P.S. We also created a Game Day playlist for you! Play it while you're building your Siete Snack Board and hanging with loved ones (...or waiting for the Half Time show!) 🎵